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Ordinance of the President of the Sicilian Region

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Kind users are informed that pursuant to art. 2 of the contingent and urgent ordinance of the President of the Sicilian Region n.24 of 6th June 2020 - it is mandatory - if not resident or domiciled in Sicily - to register on the website www.siciliasicura.com.


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Download this file (avviso1.pdf)Avviso Pubblico per la ricerca di un immobile per la Sede SocialeAvviso Pubblico per la ricerca di un immobile per la Sede Sociale290 Kb

Ultime notizie

Notice to users
Monday, 24 June 2019
Pubblicazione atti
Monday, 31 July 2017

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  • Nessun atto in pubblicazione
Amministrazione Trasparente



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PEC: trasportisalina@citis.telecompost.it
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